If you are at the product development stage, our full service applications lab is available for sample requests. If you like, we can send you an example of the final product, not just the flavour. Custom formulation and flavour-matching is available on request. We will work help you achieve your goals, whether it's to find a unique and delicious flavour, reduce costs, match a currently artificial flavour with a natural one, or any of a range of other requests that we regularly recieve.

Technical assistance is always available, and supporting documents are easily obtained, just ask.

Finished Product for Flavour Sample from Stuart Brothers

Once you are ready to order, locally produced flavours available in both liquid and powdered forms. Liquid products available in food-grade plastic containers are: one (1) and five (5) gallon pails, and fifty (50) gallon drums.

Bottled product ready to be shipped from Stuart Brothers




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